Links for Books Needed for Workbook

While I recommend checking your local library for the book titles listed in this study, I have also provided links for ordering these books online. 

Books About Maine or by Mainers - Lists

Over the years I've collected lots of books about Maine, or by Mainers. Some are currently being printed and therefore readily available, but some are out of print and possibly available on ebay or libraries. The lists below contain all the same books, but each list is sorted differently so that you can access them the way you need. If you need books about a certain area of interest, choose the Sorted by Theme list. If you have a title but nothing else, choose the second list. If you want to know about books by a certain author, that's the third list. 


Again, this is not a comprehensive list of books about Maine, or by Mainers. Instead, it's a list of books I've collected. Some I've used in research for this workbook, and/or read myself. Others I haven't gotten to yet!!

Sorted By Theme

Maine Studies Library Theme.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 177.3 KB

Sorted By Title

Maine Studies Library Title.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 177.3 KB

Sorted By Author

Maine Studies Library Author.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 177.0 KB